get out

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


get out

  1. poistaa, välttyä jltk, päästä jstk, päästä kuin koira veräjästä, säästyä, välttyä, päästä, selvitä, välttää, karttaa, vältellä, kertoa, saada sanottua, tuoda esiin, ottaa esille, ottaa pakkauksesta, purkaa, vetää, vetää esiin.

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ottaa esille

saada sanottua

päästä kuin koira veräjästä


vetää To leave or escape

In case of fire, get out by the nearest exit.

To come out of a situation ; to escape a fate

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways.

To help someone leave

We must get the children out first.

To leave a vehicle such as a car. (Note: for public transport, get off is more common.)

Ill get out at the end of the road and walk from there.''

To become known.

Somehow the secret got out.

To spend free time out of the house.

You work too hard. You should get out more.

To publish something, or make a product available.

The organization has just gotten their newsletter out.

To say something with difficulty.

He could hardly get the words out for the tears.

To clean something. To eliminate dirt or stains.

This detergent will get most household stains out.

To take something from its container.
Indicating incredulity.
puhekieltä Expressing disapproval or disgust, especially after a bad joke.

Just get out.


get out rimmaa näiden kanssa:

out, knock-out, ragoût, burnout, passepartout, stout, layout

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